$497.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I understand that the information provided by Dr. Cheryl Fraser in the products offered – including the Become Passion online course, online classes, and other products – is offered as advice, education, and coaching. I understand that my participation in these products in no way implies a psychologist-patient relationship between Dr. Cheryl Fraser and myself, and that the information offered is not a substitute for psychotherapy. If at any time during or after participating in the Become Passion course and products I decide myself or my partner need more support for our relationship, we agree to contact our local psychology and/or medical services for a referral to an appropriate professional.

I have read the money back guarantee for the Become Passion course and agree to the terms thereof.

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Become Passion Course - Monthly Pay

Create Love and Passion that Lasts a Lifetime

What you'll get:

  • The Become Passion Online Course
  • Weekly live coaching and Q&A sessions with Dr. Cheryl
  • Bonus classes with world-class experts in couples and sex therapy

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